Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Matthew 6

Matthew 6 continues the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teaching in this chapter is very prevalent for our society today.

Jesus begins by teaching how to properly practice the spiritual disciplines. He deals with giving to the needy, prayer, and fasting. Jesus begins each section with “when you” and not “if you.” Jesus just assumed everyone would give to the needy, pray, and fast. The problem back then was that the people were not practicing the disciplines properly. Today, our biggest problem is that most of the people do not practice the disciplines at all. I encourage everyone to practice the spiritual disciplines.

The last part of the chapter is right on target for people today. In today’s economy finds many people out of work, and a lot who have jobs are worried that they may lose their job. Plus the Retirement plans losses of the last few months have many having to scrimp to get by. Jesus teaches that we are to be more concerned with storing up treasures in heaven than on earth. Jesus also teaches us not to be overly concerned about food and clothes. My life verse is Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” If we live for God and do right, then God will take care of us.

“Lord, in these difficult days help us to walk in faith and not fear. Teach me to pray rather than worry. Help me to give more than to hoard. And help me to fast instead of always wanting more. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”


LIttle one said...

One thing that always bothered me is in v.23 If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness! If you light a match you chase away the darkness so 22 & 23 didn’t make much sense to me until I learned the a good eye is a generous person Pro. 22:6 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor. And the bad (evil) eye is stingy man Deu. 15:9 and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; also when you look at the verses before and after they are talking about money. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

Anonymous said...

the last verse makes me laugh and i can relate in that i do not have time to worry about tomorrow because each day has enough trouble. i feel convicted to make sure i am giving to the needy, praying daily,fasting(which obviously i never do) doing things daily for the kingdom of God.