Monday, March 9, 2009

Exodus 11

Exodus 11 has God instructing Moses on the last plague. God gives preparations for the children of Israel departure. They will not leave as lowly slaves in rags and nothing to show for all their labor for the hundreds of years they spent serving the Egyptians. They will leave like a conquering army with spoils of war. The Egyptians were so terrified of “Yahweh” that the children of Israel merely had to ask for their silver and gold and the people gladly gave it to them. The Egyptians themselves looked favorably upon the Israelites. They were not looked upon with the disgust of past years. The Egyptians would take heavy casualties. The loss of the first born would happen to all Egyptians.

It is good to realize that God can bless our meager circumstances and make us into a conquering army. God is not mocked. Live for God and allow Him to bless you. Also, allow the Lord to deal with your enemies.

“Lord, thank You for blessing us when we don’t deserve it. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen..”

1 comment:

LIttle one said...

Tonight the Jewish people celebrate another time God rescued them and that story is told in the book of Esther it is a time of marry making and giving to our friends in this peace try replacing the Jew with the Christian

When God Hides His Face
by Emuna Braverman
Even when the situation appears bleak, God is still there behind the scenes, pulling the strings.
I've been thinking a lot lately about Purim -- a little about hamantashen recipes, a little about mishloach manot (giving gifts) - but mostly about the Almighty hiding His face, about living in a time of concealment.
On a national level, on an international level, we face uncertainty and insecurity. No country is immune to the financial stress, there are warring tribes and nations across the globe, Iran sits poised to acquire nuclear capacity, Pakistan already has it, and anti-Israel sentiment seems to be on the rise.
More locally, in my small community recently there have been a slew of sorrows -- sudden deaths, illness among children, damaged or destroyed relationships.
It's impossible to make sense of it all. It's a world where the Almighty hides His face.
And not only is it impossible to control it all, but it's not our job. Sure, we have to make our effort, we have to do what's right, we have to be kind and caring. But the ultimate outcome -- for the world and our people and our local communities and individuals -- rests with a power much greater than ourselves.
And the truth is that's a relief. Because if the Almighty wasn't in charge, then we'd really have to worry.
Yes, we're confused, we're uncertain -- even a little unhinged at times, but we know it will be all right.
The most important lesson of the Purim story is that even when the situation appears bleak, even when the Almighty's face is hidden, He is still there behind the scenes, pulling the strings. The Cosmic Puppeteer.
That knowledge doesn't ease all the pain. It just takes the edge off; a little spiritual Tylenol. It keeps our anxiety manageable and out of the DSM-IV. Because we really aren't in charge. We really don't have to plan the world's future. And it really will all be okay.
We just have to keep reminding ourselves that the Almighty is here, whether we can see His face or not.
We need to make a reasonable effort to stimulate the economy but whether this particular plan works is out of Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi's hands. We need to fight for our land and try to make peace for Israel( America) , but whether this is achieved doesn't really depend on if Bibi or Tzippi Livni are running the Israeli government. We need to see doctors and take our medicine but whether the cure will be effective or not is out of our hands. We need to pursue an education and send our resumes if we are looking for employment. But who will hire us, in what position, and at what salary is not up to us.
It would be less frustrating if the Almighty's face weren't hidden. Everything would be clear and our decisions easy. We'd certainly sleep better at night. But that's not our challenge, that's not our opportunity for growth.
At the time of Achashverosh, our people had difficulty remembering the Almighty's hidden presence. It was a little too "out of sight, out of mind." With Esther's help, they woke up just in time.
We need to rouse ourselves now, to move forward with faith and optimism, recognizing that even though He may be hidden, it's all in His hands. And on Purim, we can take a small drink (emphasis on small), just to help ease our anxieties and inhibitions and clear the path to this recognition.
We pray that this be the year where the whole Jewish (World) people comes to recognize the Almighty's presence and where the mask of darkness is removed from our world.