Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Exodus 19

This chapter is a defining point in the Old Testament. Most often, Exodus 20 is seen as the defining moment in Exodus on Sinai, but this chapter is where the nation of Israel is defined. God lays out for the people who they are going to be: his treasured possession,a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. But it comes with a condition: Israel has to obey God. It was not that Israel had done anything more special to become God's people, but rather it was only by God's grace that he chose Israel. However, he chose them with a purpose. They are going to be a kingdom of priests. In other words, if you are apart of Israel, originally you were to be a priest. A priest is one who stands before God as representative of the people and the person who stands before the people as representative of God. The whole nation of Israel is called to stand before the world as God's representatives. Not only that but they are to be a "holy nation." This does not mean a judgmental nation, as only God is the ultimate judge. Holiness in the Bible means to be set apart. So this nation is to be set apart from the world. Why is that? To be set apart does not mean join a commune, but rather to act differently than the rest of the world. By acting differently, this community of people points the world to God, as the whole world is God's anyway.

As Christians we believe that God opened up to us the same promise given here at Sinai through Jesus Christ. The church is God's treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a set apart community. The early Christian writers Paul, Peter, and James all use this terminology to describe the church and its purpose in the world. We are God's people for a purpose: to show the world what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do.

"Lord, thank you for salvation. We know that salvation is for a purpose. Help us to be your people here on earth and to do your will here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen."

1 comment:

LIttle one said...

In Ex. 19 that the people were to make them selves ready to receive the word of God this is just what we should be doing each time we come to receive the word of God and not expect to have the music leader get you ready to receive God’s word but you should be in a worship mood when we come to church