Friday, March 27, 2009

Exodus 29

Exodus 29 deals with the ordination and duties of the Priests. The preparations of the priests were important. They were to be washed and have a sin offering made for them. One of the most striking things in the chapter is that they had blood used on them as well. This meant that it was more significant on who the priest is rather than on what he does. Peter called all believers a “royal priesthood,” and if that is so then we need to care more about our character than what we do. It has been said that “Religion is more caught than taught.” To minister to others first requires the minister to have a deep relationship with God.

The other point that came out of this passage is the fact that the Priests were to continually be making sacrifice and offering incense before God. The writer of Hebrews made it plain that Jesus died once for all.

“Lord, make us holy. Strengthen us to become the Priests You would have us to be. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”

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