Monday, March 30, 2009

Exodus 32

Exodus 32 is a sad commentary on the children of Israel. After Moses had went up to receive instruction from the Lord, the children of Israel became nervous and went back to their old ways. They asked Aaron to make a god for them. Aaron chose a calf. This was a familiar idol from Egypt. What is surprising is how soon they forgot all that God had brought them through. It shows the lack of faith of the people, and it also shows the significance of the leadership of Moses. Some scholars have suggested that Moses is the greatest leader of all time. If he is not the greatest leader then not many would be in his league. For Moses to lead a group that had been in slavery for hundreds of years from a servant mentality to a leadership mentality is remarkable.

After the calf is sculpted by Aaron they worship it and must have worked themselves into a frenzy worshiping this powerless and shameless idol. God informs Moses what is going on and tell Moses that he plans to wipe them all out and start over, but Moses intercedes and God listens. When Moses comes down and sees all that is going on he calls for those who are with the Lord to join him. Aaron and the Levites join Moses and they then go and destroy those who would not come back to the Lord. This chapter records that 3,000 were killed.

It is a good lesson for us to not make God into our own image. Too many times in my life I have heard people define God in their image and thoughts rather than searching the Bible and looking to Jesus to define God. Also, leadership needs to happen from everyone. It surprises me how easily Aaron and the elders (whom had just seen the Lord) could stand by and let some out of control people take control. In our churches today we need some Godly people who will stand up and do what it right. Too many times we let the negative, fault finding, immature believers.

“Lord, forgive us when we worship idols, and when we fail to give leadership. I pray this is in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

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