Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exodus 33

The problems of chapter 32 have now spilled over in to chapter 33. The people wanted a visible representation of God, even after God told them not to. Now God threatens to leave their presence. What a scary thought! Can you imagine God's presence not being present? Paul writes in Colossians that God is the one who holds everything in the world together, and for God's presence not to go with Israel would be disastrous. But Moses goes and intercedes in behalf of the people with God. There God reassures Moses that his presence will go with the people. Now Moses wants a sign. He asks to see God's glory. God says that he will show him his goodness, but not his glory. In fact, God will cover up Moses when his glory passes, and after God's glory passes Moses will get to see his "back," or literally "place where I just was."

One of the verses that stands out to me in this passage is "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Moses had to be stressed to the max. He was the leader who brought the people out. The people continue to rebel and whine, and now they had made an idol. But God's presence gives rest. Life has stressful seasons, and for many of you this has been a stressful few months. Let the presence of God come over you. God's presence means rest for us because it is God doing the work.

"God, we long for your presence. Please come and give us rest from the worries of the world."

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