Monday, March 2, 2009

Exodus 4

Exodus 4 begins with Moses still questioning God. This time Moses was concerned that the people would not believe him. Then Yahweh, the God that makes things happen, had Moses throw his staff down and it became a snake, and then when he picked it up it became a staff again. Then the hand that became leprous and was healed. God then told him about the sign of changing the water of the Nile to blood. Moses still wasn’t through making excuses. He complained that he didn’t speak so well. God provided Aaron to speak for him though before God was done with Moses he spoke all the time. No other author in the Bible has as much attributed to them as Moses.

This is a good lesson for us. When God impresses on us what He wants us to do, then we need to do it and not make excuses.

“Lord, thank You for allowing me to participate in Kingdom work. Forgive me when I make excuses. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.”

1 comment:

BenandDiana said...

Verse 24 raises several questions for me:

1. Why was God going to kill Moses?
2. Why did Zipporah circumcise her son and touch Moses feet with it?
3. What does the Bridegroom of Blood mean?

I would have thought that Moses who was raised Egyptian would not have been circumcised and would need to be before going back to talk to Israel, but apparently that is not the case. What does it mean?